
Each service title is a clickable link to the respective form

A Birth Doula joins during pregnancy and ensures that you are prepared for your delivery by building birth plans, educating, and connecting your family to community resources. During the birth, your Doula will be an integral part of the labor-management team as you move through your birthing time. From comfort measures and words of affirmation to advocacy your Birth Doula facilitates the functionality of the room so that you and your partner/spouse can find empowerment through this sacred space.

A Postpartum Doula's responsibilities change each day based on your and your family's needs. The role has its roots in a philosophy of women supporting other women during childbirth and parenting. A Postpartum Doula gives you physical and emotional support after the birth of your baby. Typical Postpartum Doula support might include:

Offering breastfeeding knowledge, support, and assistance

Helping with newborn care, such as diaper changes, naps, and feedings

Meal prep

Light Housekeeping 

We are pleased to offer small intimate group or private Childbirth Education Classes, scheduled at your convenience. These classes are offered by our Childbirth Eduactor Missy. Interactive games, models, and videos are utilized in the class to educate and empower parents for birth in a fun, memorable way! Parents will learn about the stages of labor, labor positions, comfort measures and coping techniques, risks and benefits of medical interventions and medications, tips for choosing the right care provider, breastfeeding, and birth plans. Newborn care and postpartum care are also discussed. Because of the private nature of the class, parents can feel comfortable asking as many questions as they’d like. By having a small group setting for your class you will have opportunity to build community amongst other families in similar seasons. Contact us about scheduling today! 

Lauren is a certified Peer Lactation Counselor with a wealth of information and wisdom about breastfeeding. She will join you in the sacred postpartum season with her gentle spirit and ensure you are best equipped with evidence-based and up-to-date support. Our community IBCLCs are on referral response to our clients and will welcome you with more clinical needs around nursing or complex cases, establishing an action plan for any hurdles you may experience or just to encourage you to contiinue on. 

Cayleigh prepares the client's encapsulation by using the Traditional Chinese Method of rinsing, steaming, dehydrating, and encapsulating the placenta for consumption. Clients report the benefits of encapsulation as a decrease in postpartum mood disorders, increased production of oxytocin, a decrease in stress hormones, restoration of iron levels following bleeding after birth, and increased milk supply.

The Fourth Trimester Love

The Fourth Trimester Love Program is offered by agency Doula JoAnna Massey. The program is a volunteer based program that is dedicated to supporting families with a free postpartum meal.  

Learn more here:

Fourth Trimester Love 

Comfort Measures Class 

Join the team in an interactive and exciting class as you prepare yourself and your partner for labor! Clients report feeling so much more prepared after getting tangible hands on tools to and hearing from other community partners to make those connections as well. Grab a birth ball and meet us there!

Local Doula Happenings

Find local community opportunities for Doulas in Chattanooga, TN and the surrounding area

To rent out a birth pool please read and sign the form linked above.

Community partnership and collaboration are so important to our team. We open up space to foster these relationships through our monthly educational classes. If you would like to connect with us, our clients and other providers in the birth community please sign up for one of our classes. During the class you will be featured and have an opportunity to speak on your work.